The Diana Friedman Family Tree

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Pictured with Diana is her husband Vern Browne

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Diana L. Friedman was born in California
Father: Joesph Friedman
Mother: Judy (McMichael) Hammar
Brothers: Mike Friedman and Louie Mendoza
Sisters: Holly Friedman and Jill

Husband #1: Robert Nevel(2 Children)
1-Amanda (Nevel) Ruiz
2-CJ Nevel
Current Husband: Vern S. Browne (2 Children from Sheila Browne)
1-Mike Browne
2-Diana (Browne) Perillaud

family tree judy lynn vern browne george mcmichael laurine lehning gerorge mcmichael sr gertrude adams george lehning laura shanklin Joe Friedman

Diana with her mother (Judy), daughter (Amanda) and granddaughter (Hailey) diana and vern

Diana with her mother (Judy), daughter (Amanda) and grandchildren (Hailey) and (Vincent)

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July 2011 - Diana with her mother (Judy), daughter (Amanda) and granddaughter (Hailey) generations

May 2010 - Diana;s mother (Judy Hammar) and father (Joe Friedman)

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May 2010 - Diana with a close friend of the family John Bauer Diana and John

May 2010 - Diana with Amanda, CJ and Vern Frank and vern

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May 2010 - Diana's daughter (Amanda) and grandson (Vincent) Frank and vern

May 2010 - Diana's granddaughter Hailey Frank and vern

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Diana relaxing in the Napa Valley wine country Frank and vern

January 2011 - Diana with her Aunt Nelda Gruental Frank and vern

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December 2010 - Diana with her dad (Joe Friedman) and her mom (Judy Hammar) Frank and vern