The Dr. Vanessa Browne Family Tree

Vanessa Browne as a Doctorate of Dentistry graduate from Loma Linda University
To view the family tree of an individual, click on the name
Vanessa Browne was born December 21, 1986 in California
Father: Mark Benjamin Browne
Mother: Cyndi R. Gann
Brother: Kyle Browne
Husband: Andrew Peterson, Married June 27, 2015

Vanessa with a new hair style... Looking Good!

Vanessa with her husband Dr. Andrew Peterson...

Vanessa and Andrew sharing their love for fitness...


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Should I change my occupation?



Vanessa always adorable...
Vanessa with her Aunt Diana...
Vanessa with her grandfather Ben, cousins Sara, Shawnna, Katie and brother Kyle...
Vanessa with her mom Cyndi, brother Kyle and father Mark

Happy Graduation Day...

Vanessa with her fellow graduate and grandmother Jean...

Vanessa with her Aunt Nancy and Nancy's husband Mark...





Top Senior in her class... WOW!


Congratulations Vanessa...